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Ditulis oleh pada 20/03/2013 inci Uncategorized


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Menentukan Grade nilai dengan Javax.swing


  • Menentukan Grade nilai A sampai E dengan Javax.swing menggunakan NetBeans

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Ditulis oleh pada 19/03/2013 inci Tugas


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Cara Menghitung Operasi Matematika dengan 3 cara menggunakan NetBeans (Java) :

Cara Menghitung Operasi Matematika dengan 3 cara menggunakan NetBeans (Java) :.

1. Cara Biasa

public class Menghitungbil {

* @Oleh Ajeng Shilvie
public static void main(String[] args)
int A,B,C,F,G,U,Y,Z;
A = 5;
B = 6;
C = 2;
U = 8;
Z = 4;
Y = 2;

F = (A+B)/C;
G = (U+Z)*Y;

System.out.println(“Jadi Nilai F = “+F);
System.out.println(“Jadi Nilai G = “+G);


2. Menggunakan Java.Io

public class menghitungbilio {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
int A,B,C,F,G,U,Y,Z;

InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader);
System.out.print(“Masukan nilai A: “);
A= Integer.parseInt (input.readLine());

System.out.print(“Masukan nilai B: “);
B= Integer.parseInt (input.readLine());

System.out.print(“Masukan nilai C: “);
C= Integer.parseInt (input.readLine());

System.out.print(“Masukan nilai U: “);
U= Integer.parseInt (input.readLine());

System.out.print(“Masukan nilai Y: “);
Y= Integer.parseInt (input.readLine());

System.out.print(“Masukan nilai Z: “);
Z= Integer.parseInt (input.readLine());

F = (A+B)/C;
G = (U+Z)*Y;
System.out.println(“Hasil Perhitungan :”);
System.out.println(“Nilai F = “+F);
System.out.println(“Nilai G = “+G);



3. Menggunakan Javax.Swing

import javax.swing.*;
public class menghitungbilswing {
public static void main(String[] args)
int A,B,C,F,G,U,Y,Z;
String a=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(“Masukan nilai a: “);
String b=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(“Masukan nilai b: “);
String c=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(“Masukan nilai c: “);
String u=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(“Masukan nilai u: “);
String z=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(“Masukan nilai z: “);
String y=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(“Masukan nilai y: “);

A = Integer.parseInt(a);
B = Integer.parseInt(b);
C = Integer.parseInt(c);
U = Integer.parseInt(u);
Z = Integer.parseInt(z);
Y = Integer.parseInt(y);

F = (A+B)/C;
G = (U+Z)*Y;

System.out.println(“Jadi Nilai F = “+F);
System.out.println(“Jadi Nilai G = “+G);



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Ditulis oleh pada 19/03/2013 inci Tugas


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A Beautiful Life

Hijabi Princess ⓨⓝⓐ ρᎯȘȘίΘɴ ʃΘર ʃᎯȘħίΘɴ

20130317-201706.jpgI am such a happy kid. Though, I am a mother to a one-year-old adorable boy, in my heart I am a kid. I have simple and extravagant dreams. I know how to have fun, a lot. I can be crazy and mean. And I know how to appreciate things.

Beautiful days are happening, indeed! Lets take some time to reflect and make the most out of Allah’s blessings.

A beautiful life knows no excuse. I am inspired on how our environment can provide us growth. There’s always productivity in every effort exerted. So, lets celebrate life for what we are called upon. To be good and do good. It may be a simple thought, but I know everyone would agree how difficult it is. But with positive thinking and Allah’s grace, nothing is impossible. I strive for Jannah.


*****more styles to come!!!

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Ditulis oleh pada 18/03/2013 inci Uncategorized


iPhone 5 – The greatest smartphone – Really ??

i wanna have it >,<


The hype created before the launch of the iphone 5 was anything but unusual . The success of the previous generatitions and the legacy of its late founder steve jobs all made the iphone 5 the biggest news in the world . Much was expected from the company’s flagship device . So… does it fullfill the expectations .. lets see


Pick up the iPhone 5 and you will instantly find that the Phone is amazingly light. You’ve probably heard the numbers by now (20 per cent lighter than the predecessor, as well as beating most of the opposition too at 112g. The overall effect of the phone is a chassis designed for strength & it just sits more anonymously in the pocket.

You’ll obviously see the change in height too – the iPhone 5 stands 123.8mm tall to allow for the larger 4-inch screen

We’ve tested both the ceramic…

Lihat pos aslinya 214 kata lagi

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Ditulis oleh pada 18/03/2013 inci Uncategorized


Fun Accounting n Sudoku

Fun Accounting.

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Ditulis oleh pada 16/03/2013 inci Tugas



A Breath Away From Death

A Breath Away From Death.

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Ditulis oleh pada 16/03/2013 inci Uncategorized


Soul Mate – The Real Perspective

Mina ~ in words


SubhanAllah, sometimes you just need a perspective. A Real One, that can compel you to confront the real world out there. We’re often deluded by the shallowness of this Dunya. It dictates us norms that inflict our inside. We often forget that the only Real need man ever had is to acquire love of their Lord. All else melts away with time and age. This is One Perspective that stays there intact. But sadly, this is one perspective which has been suppressed the most. When we want to get married, we expect as if it will solve all our problems, as if it’s the end of the world, or some might consider it as a way of escaping all their miseries. The truth is, it’s none of them!

A soul mate makes you connect to your Lord in more than one ways! They’re there to strengthen your knot with the…

Lihat pos aslinya 284 kata lagi

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Ditulis oleh pada 16/03/2013 inci Uncategorized


Menuntut Ilmu dan Niat di dalamnya

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Ditulis oleh pada 16/03/2013 inci Uncategorized


All good is from God and all bad is from us Part 1

Righteousness Blogs

A lot of people today believe we are living in the last days and that our world will soon end. The reason why I believe so many people believe this is because they can see the problems in our society are getting worse and they are beginning to believe there is no solution. The reason why people are beginning to believe there is no solution to our problems is because they have lost faith in our religions and they also see our government supporting and doing things that they know is wrong.

I would like to share with you my understanding on what I believe is wrong with our society today and why. The number one problem I see in the world today is that the people have lost the understanding of righteousness and everyone is living in one lie or another. God is not going to bless a people…

Lihat pos aslinya 1.582 kata lagi

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Ditulis oleh pada 16/03/2013 inci Uncategorized